

The location of the City of Mandurah’s Annual Electors’ Meeting to be held at 5:30pm on 10 February 2025 has changed.

The Annual Electors Meeting will now be held at the City of Mandurah Seniors Centre, 41 Ormsby Terrace, Mandurah WA.


Sun. Feb 16th

   10am @ Skatepark

  HANDS OFF  HALL PARK              RALLY  


HEAT  WAVE  FORECAST !!!!!HEAT WAVE FORECAST !!!Provide Clean Drinking Water in the Shade.

Mosquito Management Update

Oct. 2024

Short-Term Rental Accommodation Register

Under the Short-Term Rental Accommodation Act 2024, all providers of STRA within Western Australia, both hosted and un-hosted, will be required to register their property by 1 January 2025.

Even though Hall Park has intrinsic protection as a class A reserve. The 2024 Cook governments’ tourist promotion policy is to build craft breweries in W.A.  Don’t expect the Minister for Planning to save our beautiful “Jewel in Mandurah’s Crown”
Class A has the greatest degree of protection. Amendments to Class A reserves will require advertising and may require tabling of the proposal in both Houses of Parliament to facilitate amendments. The Class A classification is used solely to protect areas of high conservation or high community value.
Aside from conservation reserves, the Minister has general powers to deal with reserves which are not Class A or B and retains legal and policy oversight of the use of reserves generally.
    Changes to Class A reserves
Where the Minister proposes to cancel the reserve or its Class A classification, to change its purpose, to excise land for a road, or to reduce the area by more than the five per cent or one hectare (whichever is the less) permitted in specified circumstances, the Minister must:
advertise this intention in a State newspaper and consider all comments; and
no sooner than 30 days later, table the proposal in both Houses of Parliament with a briefing explaining the proposal.
Either House of Parliament then has 14 sitting days to move a notice of disallowance.
In some instances, the proposed changes may require an Act of Parliament.

The City of Mandurah are strongly supporting a business development on a yet to be rezoned, Class A reserve, with the intent on receiving rental income. This proposition may be neither legal nor ethically responsible given that Hall Park is public open space for community use and more so because the City currently owns suitably zoned freehold land on Mandurah Terrace, where, we believe, this development should be located. The City could rent their Mandurah Tce land, receive financial return and the development would improve the commercial viability of this struggling central business district.

Over the years the City has rightly been concerned about the viability and the survival of the CBD.  Particularly as large shopping centres have been developed away from the CBD. The City is now ignoring these struggling businesses in the CBD and is providing $4 million in financial support to an out of town developer in the form of car parking, jetties and infrastructure plus a bonus 2 year rent free/rate free period. This is particularly unethical, given that any normal developer needs to purchase land and pay rates up until his business is operating.

Should this proposal go ahead and be even half as successful as the City’s figures suggest, many of the long-established businesses, who currently pay rates and rents, and who are already under stress in the CBD, will be placed under even more pressure to survive.

In recent years the City has, and continues to spend millions of dollars on the Eastern Foreshore. We strongly suggest stimulating the adjacent CBD and promote any new major businesses there.

Western Foreshore information

“The Jewel in Mandurah’s Crown”                        (Mayor Paddy Creavey 2017)

Damn the Local Ratepayers, Traffic Chaos and projected Financial Losses .  Let’s promote alcohol consumption in Mandurah and build a 650 seat ‘SupaPub’  with  200+ Car Parking Lot alongside the kids’ playgrounds.                         (Mayor Rhys Williams 2024)


Kids and alcohol don’t really mix.    Set a good example separate alcohol outlets and children’s playgrounds.  Health experts recommend that the safest option for young people (under 18) is to not drink alcohol at all.

Recognise that “monkey see, monkey do” applies to your kids.   A responsible parent doesn’t dump the kids in a playground and then go drinking next door.

Alcohol is too frequently the root cause of domestic violence and family breakups.

Alcohol is involved in between 23% and 65% of all police-reported family violence incidents.

Over 40% of anti-social behaviour is alcohol fueled.

Alcohol and driving near kids playgrounds.             Do your own research on this topic.

Contact your elected council representative to find the answer to this oddity.

Comments on the Mandurah Matters supplied infographic shown below.

Day 1 ;                  The CoM raises a $4,000,000 commercial loan at 4.5% (or higher rate) over 25yrs = $266,552 per annum

Commercial Loan Calculator   

(this excludes any probable bank fees and charges)   Left Coast Leisure Group (as sublessee) granted 2 year rent free period whilst building the 650 seat ‘SupaPub’.

2 years on ;                Left Coast Leisure Group commences paying rent of $248,000 p.a.      (which is below CoM’s loan repayments).              CoM has already paid over $500,000 in P& I  loan repayments on the $4 million borrowed.

Maintenance + cost overruns ; For example, the carparks will require resurfacing after 10 to 15 years. Estimate $2 million.         Omitted in plan.

Furthermore, after the 2 years rent-free period, there will be an ongoing annual revenue shortfall, even given the sublessee’s rent payment, with funds to cover the loan repayment shortfall, management, maintenance and ongoing renewal costs all coming from Council Revenue.                i.e.  Your rates.

PMRA comments circled or underlined in RED  in this CoM supplied Business Plan  infographic


PLEASE EXPLAIN ! From supplied data, looks like CoM ratepayers are being financially screwed by this proposal.

          Validate the loan calculation below                         Click and open the link below; change amount to $4,000,000    and term to      25 years                Commercial Loan Calculator


The Flawed traffic flow projection in Mary St. is based on the incorrect location of the traffic counter, which completely omitted the 124 residences in the immediate’s projected there will be 160 + vehicles entering/leaving the Leighton PLace. the IGA shopping centre carpark at the Mary St. intersection every hour.  Attempting to turn right from Mary St. into Leighton Pl. will bring traffic in Old Coast Rd. and Pinjarra Rd. to a standstill. Attempting to TL from Leighton Place will be neigh on impossible.

There will be traffic chaos and constant traffic jams.                       Act NOW to stop this proposal.

Western Foreshore Proposed Parking Plan“The Jewel in Mandurah’s Crown”                              (Mayor Paddy Creavey 2017)

Hall Park through the decades. 1926 : 1959: 1974; 1989 and Hall Cottage 1834


                                                 Have your say on the future of  Southern Beaches


Specified Area Rate Information

Pages 4 and 5 relate to PMRA members

Specified Area Rate Information 2023 24




New marine drug and alcohol laws were introduced in December ’23 and will be rolled out in stages over the next year.

As of December 21, anyone navigating a vessel who causes a death while under the influence of drugs or alcohol faces up to 20 years in prison and an unlimited fine.

Department of Transport manager of compliance and investigations Peter Beattie confirmed no skippers had been charged with the new offences so far.

The next stage of the laws will come into effect in April ’24 and will allow DoT and WA Police officers to test skippers for drugs and alcohol.




As Summer arrives and we emerge, it’s important to remember that under W.A. law it is illegal to feed wildlife any human food. To quote the Act:

“It is an offence in Western Australia to feed native fauna, including birds, without a licence. Fines of up to $20,000 are part of updated regulations under Section 155 of the West Australian Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016.”
We understand living in close proximity to wildlife is a much desired feature of the canal lifestyle, and only wish to inform you of this aspect of managing our precious native fauna.

Santa Afloat Christmas eve… sponsored by

18/12/2022 – Santa Afloat will cruise around the canals next Saturday the 24th of December with Santa and his helpers handing out bags of lollies and chocolates to good folks (including children) on their jetty plus schmackos for the fur babies (dogs).

We will start at 5.30 pm finishing a couple of hours later so listen for the bell ringing, carols singing and Santa’s ho, ho, ho.

Keen on fishing?

The below link has everything you need to know about sustainability.

Recfishwest – Recfishwest

Mussel gardening for 2022 

Key dates for the program are

  1. February 2022 – Recruit gardeners, make up baskets.
  2. Late February – Hold workshops for new gardeners (Dates to be advised, we would gratefully welcome any previous participants to come and give a talk at the workshops!)
  3. Early March – Handover of mussel baskets to the gardeners at the Port Bouvard Yacht Club. (Dates to be advised)
  4. March-October 2022 – Monitor and grow mussels.
  5. October 2022 – Mussel Muster and transfer of mussels into the Peel-Harvey Estuary shellfish reef sites.

Please email your interest to and Theo and the Bindjareb rangers look forward to seeing you in 2022.




A Christmas Message from PMRA President Jim Booker
Thank you to those that brighten our lives by putting up Christmas Lights. This year is better than ever with the whole of Mandurah joining in, making our City the Capital of Christmas.
We encourage you to observe the traditional 12 Days of Christmas by leaving your lights on until about 10.30pm at least until 6th January.
With the enormous increase in Christmas Lights tourists this year, maintaining this tradition guarantees the best possible result for the Rotary Wishing Well which raises thousands of dollars for local charities. Visit their JustGiving page. This year we have the added bonus of the canal tour operators contributing towards four St. John’s automatic external defibrillators to be installed in Port Mandurah.
I’m sure that these worthwhile causes, combined with the knowledge that many thousands of families enjoy our magnificent light display, will strengthen the Mandurah Canal Christmas Spirit and maintain a traditional Christmas Calendar.
As always, Mandurah Cruises are running their Christmas Lights Competition & People’s Choice Awards and will be generously hosting a Thank You Beach Party and Awards Ceremony after Australia Day.

Below is a thank you video from Mandurah Cruises.


Port Mandurah – 30 YEARS – Making a Community
This is the title of the book that was written for PMRA in 2019:

Each Port Mandurah household may have one of these books for free! Visit us on Facebook for pick-up details. Extra copies are $20 each.
Please bring proof of residence, and pass this information to your friends and neighbours (who must be current ratepayers within the Port Mandurah Boundary) as we don’t have everyone’s email addresses.

PMRA Committee Vacancies
If you’re a Port Mandurah resident and care about your neighbourhood, please consider joining the committee. We meet every 6 weeks or so for a couple of hours, on a day/time to suit all committee members.
You don’t need any specific skills, just a willingness to work as part of a team, and a commitment to attend at least 50% of the meetings.
For more information please contact us.

The Friends of Samphire Cove meet on the last Sunday morning of each month at 9.00am to take care of this A class nature reserve in Wedgetail Retreat (down Leisure Way).
If you would like to help the Friends on an occasional or regular basis, just turn up or visit their website for more information


Sutton Farm
Sutton Farm MandurahSutton Farm is a heritage-listed place dating from the 1860s comprising a homestead building, single men’s quarters and a barn, as well as significant trees. The development plan was adopted in 2017 subject to certain modifications.

To keep the entrances of the Port Mandurah canals open it has always been recognised that some degree of dredging would be required and that is why we have a reserve account within the SAR structure to pay for periodic dredging and annual surveys of accretion.
Since the agreement that was made in the 1990s, there have been significant changes in the estuary circulation patterns and sediment sources, e.g. the Dawesville Channel, the regrowth of Fairbridge Bank, and issues with sand bypassing at the Northern Entrance. These have altered the rate of siltation of the entrances which were originally estimated to require dredging every 5 years.
Here are the latest hydrographic surveys (November 2017) showing the water depths at both entrances to the main canal: 

Northern Entrance Southern Entrance

•  To view the Department of Transport’s coastal engineering assessment and recommendations regarding the formation of sand bars outside the Mandurah entrance channel please click here.


Canal properties in Port Mandurah have a designated jetty envelope located within the mooring envelope of the property.
Provided that the proposed jetty is within the jetty envelope and complies with the City’s Local Planning Policy 4 relating to Canal Waterways Structures  LPP4 then a Development Approval (i.e. a Planning Approval) is not required.
A Building Permit is needed prior to construction specifying the dimensions and the shape, i.e. finger shaped, ‘T’ shaped, ‘L’ shaped or land backed. Most jetty companies will submit this Building Permit Application to the City on your behalf.
You will also need a Jetty Licence from the Department of Transport. PMRA is advocating for a transfer of  jetty administration to the City of Mandurah. We believe that the City already does most of the work and could receive over $300,000 revenue per year.


PMRA has several volunteers who, whilst out walking, regularly pick up litter in the precinct. On Clean Up Australia Day in March, the committee and a few friends collected dozens of bags of rubbish; a few of whom are pictured below.
Our thanks go to John Randall who picks up rubbish on a twice daily basis.